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Student Mental Health

Diversity Club

The mental and emotional health of our students is very important to us here at LSMS. That's why we have resources available for students who may be in need of a little extra support. One of those resources is our Student Mental Health Support Specialist, Ms. Hannah Herkert.  

Check out Ms. Herkert's Google Classroom HERE:

What does Ms. Herkert do?

  • One-on-one visits with students
    • To address individual student needs through problem-solving and promoting social/emotional growth
  • Family support meetings
    • To address family and student needs
  • Peer support groups
    • Connect kids who are dealing with similar situations (anxiety, depressed feelings, transition, addiction in the family, social, etc.) and offer facilitated peer support
  • Strengthening Families Program
    • A 7-session community group for families designed to support all levels of need. SFP provides parenting support, student education, and family engagement. Ask for more info!
  • Resourcing
    • Helping families find mental health resources
  • Psycho-education
    •  Have a general mental health question? Just call! ext. 1680 No question or issue is too big or too small.

  Sometimes there are things going on at home or other areas in our lives that make it difficult to focus on school. Big feelings like sadness, anger, hurt, and fear can greatly affect a student's level of success. The SMHSS is a mental health specialist who can help to address these difficulties with students and their families. If you have a concern about your student you can contact Ms. Herkert in the counseling center. Interactions with the SMHSS are confidential unless there is a concern for safety. This allows students' needs to be heard without fear of judgment or disclosure between school staff. Sometimes, simply talking with the SMHSS or getting signed up for a peer support group or lunch-bunch is adequate support. Additionally, the SMHSS can connect families with outside community and mental health services to address longer term needs. 

FOR CAREGIVERS: What are some reasons I would want to connect with Ms. Herkert?

  • I would like to get my student involved in counseling
  • There's been a big change at home and I'm worried about how my student is affected at school
  • I think there's something going on but my student isn't talking about it
  • I'm noticing some changes in my student's... behavior, emotional health, grades, interactions with peers/family/me, etc.
  • My student could learn some better coping skills

FOR STUDENTS: What are some reasons I would want to talk to Ms. Herkert?

  • I've been feeling upset about something at school or at home and I would like to talk about it
  • I'm worried about another student
  • I would like to meet other students who may be going through something similar to me
  • I've been having some anxious feelings
  • Someone is hurting me
  • I'm hurting myself
  • I've been thinking about suicide
  • I know someone who is hurting themselves or thinking about suicide


Local Mental Health Providers and Services

SnoCo Wellness Coalition: Support, Information, & Activities for Local Families

VIDEO: Helping our Students Stay Resilient during At-Home Learning

Crisis Help

LGBT*Q+ Resources

Youth and Family Resources

Mental Health Referral Service

Bullying Support

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Bruce on KOMO News

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My coping skills
First page of the PDF file: Sleeptips