Student Attendance
Lisa Hale
Attendance Secretary
Phone: (425) 335-1543
Pre-Arranged Absence Request Form
Because there is a clear connection between good attendance and success in school, and because regular attendance is a trait that employers value highly, we believe that it is our responsibility to help you develop habits of good attendance. For these reasons, the school has established attendance policies and procedures that are designed to encourage students to attend school and each of your classes regularly.
Note: Excessive absenteeism, excused and / or unexcused, may be referred to legal authorities. A record of 5 unexcused absences per month or 10 per year is considered to be "excessive". RCW 28A.225.010
Early Dismissal
If you need to be dismissed from school before the end of the day for a doctor’s appointment or other reason, bring an early dismissal note to the main office before school on the day of the early dismissal. You will receive a pass from the office stating the time that you are supposed to be excused from school. Before leaving the building, you must sign out in the main office.
Leaving Campus
Once you arrive on school grounds at the beginning of the school day, you may not leave until the end of school at 2:30 p.m. or until you sign out through the main office or health room with your parent’s permission. If you leave school without signing out in the main office, you will be considered to be truant and your administrator will assign you appropriate consequences.
Planned Absences
If you know in advance that you will be absent from school because of an appointment, family trip, etc., you need to turn in a Pre-arranged Absence Form to the main office at least five (5) days before the planned absence. These forms are available in the main office or online. After you and your parents have completed and signed the Pre-arranged Absence Form, you are to have all of your teachers sign it before you turn it in at the main office. You are responsible for making up all work missed during pre-arranged absence. Although your teachers may be able to give you a broad outline of the material they expect to cover while you are absent, you will need to check with them once you return to find out what specific assignments you need to make up and when they are due.
“Reasonable Time” to Make Up Work
If you are absent from school, you are expected to make up all assignments that you missed within a reasonable time. A “reasonable time” means that you have as many days to make up your work as you were absent. For example, if you were absent three days, you have three school days to make up the work you missed unless you make other arrangements with your teacher. NOTE: Teachers are not obligated to allow you to make up work that you missed as a result of an unexcused absence.
Truancy from Classes (Skipping)
If you skip a class, your absence will be recorded as “unexcused.” Your parents will be notified of your truancy from class and you will be assigned before- or after-school detention to make up the time and work that you missed. Continued class cutting will result in additional consequences.
Unexcused Absences
If you are absent from school without your parents’ permission, your absence will be recorded as “unexcused.” Your parents will be notified of your truancy and you will be assigned before- or after-school detention to make up the time and work that you missed. Continued truancy from school will result in your being assigned additional consequences.
When Arriving to School Late
You will be marked late to school if you arrive after the 7:50 a.m. bell. If you get to school after 7:50 a.m., you must:
- Go to the main office for an admit slip before going to class.
- Give the secretary a written note from your parents, doctor, or dentist in order to be given an “excused” admit pass. If you do not have a written excuse, your lateness will be recorded as an “unexcused” absence from the period(s) you missed.
- Take your admit slip to your teacher.
- Find out what work you missed and make sure that you make it up.